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The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal 
Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

VIP Brokerage & DomainAssets.com Close 7-Figure Sale of EE.com in One of Year's Biggest Sales to Date

Due to their rarity, we don't see many 2-letter .com sales, especially ones with repeating letters and ones that can be publicly reported - but today we have one for you! We have learned that Mark Thomas at VIP Brokerage and John Mauriello at DomainAssets.com worked together to close a $1.35 million sale of EE.com. Mark told me that he and John have actually been going back and forth with the parties to sale for several years before an agreement was finally reached. As has been the case with so many two and three letter .coms in recent years, this one also went to a buyer in China.

When we chart this sale in our next bi-weekly domain sales report July 21, it will rank as the fourth highest sale reported year to date (assuming nothing higher comes in before then. It will be another coup for Thomas, who already has the biggest publicly reported sale of 2021 in Christmas.com at $3.15 million. VIP Brokerage and has yet another in the YTD Top 20 in #19 (tie) Arizona.com at $350,000.

Mauriello, who has been closing big deals since 2002, opened his own shop in 2015. DomainAssets works with large Enterprise level accounts, small and medium size corporations, start-ups, entrepreneurs, technologists, and investors from Silicon Valley and around the world.

(Posted July 14, 2021)  


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