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March 15, 2017

Domain Sales

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Symmetrical Shopping Spree: E8.com Doles Out Over a Million Dollars For 11 Domains 

Wow - what a wild week in the domain aftermarket - and this is supposed to be the slow summer season! You may have seen a cryptic news release a few days ago from Marchex and E8.com about E8 buying six numerical domains from Marchex. The prices paid were not disclosed - but we are going to release them for the first time in this column.

This past week E8 completed the purchase of 11 domains totaling $1,144,444.30. Six of those were bought from Marchex and five more were acquired in private transactions. E8 paid six-figures each for six of those domains, giving them the first six positions on our new weekly domain sales chart and they accounted for 8 of the top 10 purchases.

E8's list of acquisitions was topped by 11.com and 880.com at $188,888.88 each. 444.com was next at $178,888.89, followed by 245.com ($168,888.88), 242.com ($111,111.11) and 252.com ($111,111.11). Their shopping basket also included 7777.com, 8008.com, 8808.com, 247World.com and YourWorld.com (all but one of which made our expanded Top 30 Chart below).


By Ron Jackson

With their new purchases E8's initial numerics-based sequence of domains now includes the names below (these are all clickable links if you want to search for clues as to what they are up to):
www.242.com / www.244.com / www.245.com / www.246.com / www.247.us / www.248.com / www.249.com / www.2410.com / www.252.com / www.11.com / www.444.com / www.7777.com / www.880.com / www.8008.com / www.8808.com / www.247World.com / www.YourWorld.com

With E8 taking so many chart positions this week, we decided to expand the Big Board from 20 to 30 positions so other major sales would not get overlooked. Two other domains joined E8 entries in the first ten. Sedo sold JTR.com for a very healthy $60,000 and Michael Ambrose of Cleaning.com also banked $60,000 FreeCoupon.com. That sale was actually completed earlier this year but contractual terms didn't allow Ambrose to release the sale price until this week. 

Sedo wound up having a hand in 12 charted sales, more than any other venue. We also have word that Sedo has completed the $220,000 sale of OD.com but we haven't been able to verify that yet. I do think the report is accurate though so look for that one on next week's chart once we confirm it.

In another interesting piece of news that Matt of WeBuyThe.com directed me to, the Walt Disney Company reported a $14 million gain on their sale of Movies.com to Fandango earlier this summer. The number was included in Disney's latest quarterly 10-Q filing. Not knowing the book value Disney had on the domain, we still don't know the actual selling price of Movies.com. Also, this was not a domain only sale - it was a developed business that sold tickets to 15,000 theaters around the country from the site. Fandango intends to expand the feature set at Movies.com. Also thanks to George Kirikos for his tip on reading that section of the 10-Q properly.

.Com dominated the action this week sweeping 27 of 30 chart entries. The other three openings went to a pair of .nets and a .org. Here is how all of the top sellers stacked up for the week ending Sunday, August 17:

The DN Journal Top 30 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. August 11, 2008 - Sun. August 17,2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect August 19


Sold For

Where Sold
11.com $188,888.88 Pvt Sale
880.com $188,888.88 Marchex
3. 444.com $178,888.89 Marchex
4. 245.com $168,888.88 Pvt Sale
242.com $111,111.11 Marchex
252.com $111,111.11 Marchex
JTR.com $60,000 Sedo
FreeCoupon.com $60,000 Pvt Sale
8008.com $58,888.88 Marchex
10. 7777.com $55,555.55 Pvt Sale
11. 8808.com $51,111.11 Marchex
12. Doctor.net €21,760 = $33,205 GreatDomains/Sedo
Afghan.com $30,000 Moniker/
GeoDomains Expo
Asia.org $30,000 Moniker/
GeoDomains Expo
15. ThoughtLeaders.com €20,000 = $29,600 Sedo
16. Moebel.com $27,432 Sedo
17. JMail.com $27,333 NameJet
18. WomensBoots.com $25,650 AfternicDLS
19. Rewind.com $25,000 DNStrategy.com
20. YourWorld.com $22,222.22 Sedo
21. YouGames.com $18,000 Sedo
22. GoPlay.com $17,300 NameJet
BandTees.com €10,000 = $14,800 Sedo
FixedPrice.com €10,000 = $14,800 Sedo
LoseIt.com €10,000 = $14,800 Sedo
NetPartner.com €10,000 = $14,800 Sedo
27. PornTube.net $14,600 NameJet
28. Reverie.com €9,500 = $14,060 Sedo
29. RefinanceRates.com $12,500 Moniker/
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East
30. WJA.com €8,000 = $11,840 GreatDomains/Sedo

Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.


There were four more five-figure sales just off the chart with Sedo ringing up three of those; WorldTourism.co.uk ($11,840), Taux.com ($10,000) and Towns.tv ($10,000). SnapNames.com also had a $10,000 sale with FresherWorld.com

.Com Supporting Cast

Another of E8.com's purchases topped the .com supporting cast. That was 247World.com at $8,888.88

SnapNames had a group starting at $8,500 (for JVR.com) that included Kidnap.com ($4,225), OpenTrade.com ($4,000) and SPDBCCC.com ($3,607). Neesgrid.com ground out $3,600, Cember.com secured $3,433, Nublies.com notched $3,079 and VisitSouthCarolina.com clicked for $2,001.

Moniker.com sold DataMind.com for $8,100 and also completed a straggler from their live auction at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East, BestMattresses.com at $2,500. By the way Moniker has a live domain auction coming up this evening (Wednesday, August 20) at the Search Engine Strategies conference in San Jose. It is scheduled to get underway at 5:45pm Pacific time which would be 8:45pm in the Eastern U.S. You can download the auction catalog from this page. The names that will be on the block include Ad.com, Pay.com, So.net and Male.org among others.

Some bad news came out in the domain business this week with Oversee.net announcing a 10% reduction in their workforce. Coupled with a continuing decline in PPC revenues it's understandable that some domainers are starting to feel a little glum. But for those who focus on end user sales to small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) the skies are still quite sunny. Name Media tells us they are still enjoying record breaking sales catering to that market. This week their AfternicDLS platform produced about 400 more .com sales, with more than a hundred of those topping the $2,000 level where we start reporting .com sales.

Their roster this week included SelectLife.com ($8,000), Muso.com ($7,915) and a pair at $6,000 each; Ministere.com and WhatsCookingAmerica.com. TattooYou.com inked $5,200 while a quartet of domains that included HDServices.com, Individualism.com, Jete.com and MMIA.com added $5,000 apiece. 

IRCD.com and TopWater.com poured $4,688 each while UPair.com posted $4,500. C-N-G.com collected $4,488 and Sniplets.com snagged $4,188. The AfternicDLS had 104 more four-figure .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,000. You can review those in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS Sales Between $2,000 - $4,000
floridainternational.com $4,000   healthhorizons.com $2,500
snowfish.com $3,888 hubsoft.com $2,500
cwallc.com $3,788 socialprofile.com $2,500
tutoringservices.com $3,788 sunnytravel.com $2,500
adfresh.com $3,588 bikersafety.com $2,488
digitaladvantage.com $3,500 forkliftwholesale.com $2,488
southernproperties.com $3,500 journeylog.com $2,488
bookofrecipes.com $3,388 luxurybeach.com $2,488
inhouseproductions.com $3,288 vicpark.com $2,420
unworld.com $3,288 naturalgarden.com $2,400
avego.com $3,230 collegesurvivalkit.com $2,388
dialadoc.com $3,200 greatwesternfinancial.com $2,388
gummiklinik.com $3,188 humanrightsinternational.com $2,388
travelbonus.com $3,100 muchmorefun.com $2,388
fishmarkets.com $3,088 snipclip.com $2,322
antoinette.com $3,000 communitycommerce.com $2,300
artsfest.com $3,000 modernfamily.com $2,300
clearcorp.com $3,000 customengineering.com $2,294
kellner.com $3,000 eyebelieve.com $2,288
opticalmedia.com $3,000 lendsure.com $2,288
rius.com $3,000 penline.com $2,288
shopbox.com $3,000 vegasrentalcar.com $2,288
webexcellence.com $3,000 uniqueimports.com $2,244
healthremedies.com $2,988 nationalcable.com $2,200
lifeled.com $2,988 advantagedevelopment.com $2,194
railsolutions.com $2,930 marinefinance.com $2,194
gestar.com $2,900 thebabyplanner.com $2,150
acbcorp.com $2,888 creativepools.com $2,144
animateit.com $2,888 palmgrove.com $2,144
b2bsolutions.com $2,888 wildlifehabitat.com $2,100
technite.com $2,888 companionpets.com $2,088
yourduty.com $2,888 cozyhotels.com $2,088
4beauty.com $2,800 money2spare.com $2,088
reisesuche.com $2,800 precisionlawncare.com $2,088
strewth.com $2,800 geneticslab.com $2,050
ecocommunity.com $2,788 audioexchange.com $2,044
housingcrisis.com $2,788 deliverysystems.com $2,044
pridemedia.com $2,788 tristatemortgage.com $2,044
radicalracing.com $2,788 bankmagic.com $2,016
trompeloeil.com $2,788 bitschool.com $2,000
safetysearch.com $2,700 cstaff.com $2,000
hotelsone.com $2,688 djcharts.com $2,000
moms2moms.com $2,688 dmstudio.com $2,000
americanmall.com $2,600 dreamcentre.com $2,000
creativeaudio.com $2,594 isisgroup.com $2,000
dcwireless.com $2,588 masteryourmoney.com $2,000
aquaholics.com $2,500 memoryweb.com $2,000
ArtRental.com $2,500 oaktables.com $2,000
capequity.com $2,500 pache.com $2,000
emailcontact.com $2,500 winebymail.com $2,000
environmentalsciences.com $2,500 yachtmasters.com $2,000
ezportal.com $2,500 yourbags.com $2,000

Back at Sedo DesignSupport.com provided €5,250 ($7,770) while JeuxCasino.com and NALN.com kicked in €5,000 ($7,400) each. ZeroEmissionCity.com contributed €4,000 ($5,920), Amatrice.com captured $5,500 and RoseBuzz.com brought €3,500 ($5,180).  

Sedo had 24 more four-figure .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,000. You can check those out in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000-$5,000
private-krankenversicherung.com $5,000   mustbesold.com $3,626
fibreopticbroadband.com $4,884 spamprotection.com $3,479
travelmadeeasy.com $4,884 bunnycam.com $3,330
freeallmusic.com $4,703 fastweather.com $3,034
ecertify.com $4,588 btru.com $2,960
cebix.com $4,500 callandplay.com $2,960
4beauty.com $4,144 europeanmotels.com $2,960
diac.com $4,144 mazarin.com $2,960
strewth.com $4,144 sportsvest.com $2,950
adhesin.com $4,000 footnews.com $2,800
satisfly.com $4,000 salomonsport.com $2,500
   segelyacht.com $2,000

At Sedo's GreatDomains.com site, Christoph.com contributed another $3,000

At NameJet.com Seta.com set the pace at $6,501, Brixton.com braked at $5,700 and Zido.com zipped up $5,302. Zobe.com clocked in at $4,999 while CanadaAuto.com and SREB.com booked $3,800 each. 

NameJet has 16 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional NameJet .com Sales Between $2,000-$5,000
kartworld.com $3,533   knappshoes.com $2,600
biocars.com $3,312 primelife.com $2,500
hotguide.com $3,300 buyinfo.com $2,433
konarealestate.com $3,190 buythings.com $2,322
timeworks.com $3,111 baysiderealty.com $2,311
manville.com $3,100 sportsdocs.com $2,101
strattonmountain.com $2,700 cheapttickets.com $2,100
firstmedical.com $2,610 swordsman.com $2,072

Elsewhere TopWebNames.com sold LiverpoolNews.com for $5,000 and TDNAM.com moved a trio of domains; LejourPlus.com ($3,000), Yab-Movies.com ($2,565) and Gartoo.com ($2,027)


Global Contenders (.biz, .info, .mobi, .net & .org)

The top three domains on the Global Contenders Top 20 also made appearances on the all extension leader board you saw earlier. #1 Doctor.net led that trio after a $33,205 sale at Sedo's GreatDomains.com

.Net took the most chart positions with 11, including the top three GC sales you haven't seen yet; #4 Convert.net ($6,956), #5 Wayfarer.net ($5,990) and #6 Debbie.net ($4,500). .Org and .Info captured four chart entries each with the final opening going to a .biz

Sedo had a hand in 11 charted sales, more than any other venue. Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the week ending August 17:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. August 11, 2008 - Sun. August 17, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect  August 19


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Doctor.net €21,760 = $33,205 GreatDomains/Sedo
2. Asia.org $30,000 Moniker/
GeoDomains Expo
3. PornTube.net $14,600 NameJet
4. Convert.net €4,700 = $6,956 Sedo
5. Wayfarer.net $5,990 AfternicDLS
6. Debbie.net $4,500 GreatDomains/
7. Toni.org $4,000 Sedo
8. Fewo.info $3,977 Sedo
MySoccer.net €2,500 = $3,700 Sedo
MySoccer.org €2,500 = $3,700 Sedo

11. Evox.net $3,188 AfternicDLS
12. Zeitung.info $2,999 Sedo
13. Fulfillment.net $2,960 NameJet
14. Toner.info $2,904 Sedo
15. Bad.biz $2,700 Sedo
Gifting.net $2,488 AfternicDLS
Integrator.net $2,488 AfternicDLS
18. Zoologico.org $2,350 AfternicDLS
AnunciosOnline.info $2,300 Sedo
RetirementCalculators.net $2,300 AfternicDLS

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.


As always there were dozens of additional four-figure sales in the Global Contenders category. The AfternicDLS usually accounts for most of those and they did again this week. Their list included PoolSupplies.net ($2,188), Crome.net ($2,088) and DataShow.net ($1,988). Greeny.net grossed $1,760, ToolStore.net tacked on $1,688 and Bahri.net bagged $1,588.

The AfternicDLS had 14 more four-figure GC sales ranging from $1,000 to $1,500. You can check those out in the table below:

Additional Afternic GC Sales Between $1,000-$1,500
webmodel.net $1,500   actionfigure.net $1,210
verycherry.net $1,488 angermanagement.net $1,188
b2bsolutions.net $1,388 callfree.org $1,188
getthepicture.org $1,388 motorcare.net $1,131
communitybusiness.org $1,350 healthtravel.net $1,088
mywebshop.net $1,288 globalthreat.net $1,000
proinvest.net $1,288 sicom.net $1,000

At Sedo, Websites.mobi went for $2,294, ForexClub.net nailed $2,100 and 212.mobi dialed up $1,850. Catamarca.net counted out $1,628, Korsika.info fetched $1,550 and Oden.net notched $1,500. SUP.biz served up $1,480, MyRobot.net ratcheted up $1,332 and Karten.info cornered $1,290. Korfu.info found $1,200, Shut.net closed the door on $1,125 and Sportswear.info donned $1,030.

At NameJet, Frog.biz hopped to $2,155 while DropWizard.com drew $2,000 for CheatingWives.net

At SnapNames 3-letter .nets were in vogue. Sales included PGE.net ($2,000), MOR.net ($1,700), BCD.net ($1,369), KZH.net ($1,030), QLF.net ($1,030) and QTD.net ($1,030). They also sold Mufflers.net for $1,450

At TDNAM.com, QQuran.org generated $1,300 and Patriotism.org pulled $1,054).

Country Codes

WorldTourism.co.uk leads the Country Code Top 20 after an €8,000 ($11,840) sale at Sedo. Towns.tv was close behind, taking the #2 slot with a $10,000 sale, also at Sedo, a venue that piled up 16 of the 20 chart entries. Great Britain's .co.uk had more charted domains than any other extension with six and .me.uk added another name to Britain's list. 

Germany's .de was next with four, including #3 JobCheck.de at $9,900. .TV also had a good outing with three names hitting the top ten. Canada (.ca) has three representatives on the board and Spain (.es and .com.es) had a pair. 

Here is how all of the ccTLD top sellers stack up for the week ending August 17:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: August 11, 2008 - Sun. August 17, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. August 19


Sold For

Where Sold
1. WorldTourism.co.uk €8,000 = $11,840 Sedo
2. Towns.tv $10,000 Sedo
3. JobCheck.de $9,900 Sedo
4. Jump.es €5,662 = $8,318 Backorders.es
5. OfficeCleaning.co.uk €4,700 = $6,956 Sedo
6. Apartamentos.com.es €4,301 = $6,365 DNFolder
7. Canberra.tv €3,722 = $5,509 Sedo
8. FairTrade.ca $4,488 AfternicDLS
9. Sumatra.tv £1,900 = $3,553 Sedo
10. GrowShop.co.uk £1,750 = $3,273 Sedo

("Energy rates" in German)
$3,000 Sedo
HolidayCheck.ca $3,000 Sedo
EXE.co.uk £1,500 = $2,805 Sedo
Yuliya.co.uk £1,500 = $2,805 Sedo
15. SexPhoto.ca $2,500 DropWizard
16. Gifts.me.uk £1,200 = $2,244 Sedo
VLCPlayer.de $2,000 Sedo
VLC-Player.de $2,000 Sedo
19. Prestige.eu $1,945 Sedo
20. AcaiBerry.co.uk £988 = $1,848 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were 21 more four-figure country code sales just off the chart and Sedo had the bulk of those. Their list included Biba.co.uk ($1,700), eCargo.eu ($1,628) and Lancashire.tv ($1,554). Sedo had 16 more four-figure ccTLD sales that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo Country Code Sales Between $1,000-$1,550
hausboote.ch $1,550   hotels.im $1,050
blogueur.fr $1,500 biotifull.fr $1,000
helgjobb.se $1,500 fiefox.de $1,000
openup.eu $1,500 parierfootball.fr $1,000
systrade.ch $1,500 parier-football.fr $1,000
superfund.asia.asia $1,350 ppt.eu $1,000
lasvegasnews.tv $1,314 quelcredit.fr $1,000
pozyczki.eu $1,250 regime.be $1,000

Elswhere DropWizard sold HouseAndHomes.ca for $1,800 and Moniker moved YamYamToGo.co.uk for $1,075

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to [email protected].

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of DotCom Group, LLC also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Tuesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Monday our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this report for Tuesday night publication to give you the freshest sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.


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