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August 27, 2012

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Here's the The Lowdown from DN Journal,
updated daily
to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry. 

The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

The final day of the Domain Roundtable conference is underway in Washington, D.C. As I write this the day's opening seminar, "Utilizing Online Tools to Benefit Your Business" is in progress with panelists (left to right in the photo below) Daniel Negari (Cyber2Media Inc.), Sean Stafford (ComWired.com), Susan Prosser (DomainTools.com) and Gregg McNair (Strata PPX Services) on stage with moderator Jamal Hacque.

I'll be detailing the key points made in all of the various conference sessions in our comprehensive show review article that will be published early next week.

McNair made it to the dais early this morning even though dozens of his friends kept him up into the wee hours last night helping him celebrate his birthday. The stylish Obama sunglasses Gregg is sporting in the photo at right were one of the many gifts he received to mark the occasion.

Diana and I are celebrating a special day of our own at the conference today - our 25th wedding anniversary. She was thinking about taking a romantic cruise for the occasion, but when she found out the date coincided with Roundtable  she was gracious enough to put the industry event first. I told her I would make it up to her later and she said, "You bet you will!" 

Gregg McNair

Fortunately, the Grand Hyatt Hotel staff (who sent us a complimentary bottle of champagne), Roundtable organizers and many friends helped get me off the hook by making the week here an especially enjoyable one for her. NameMedia certainly helped by including us on the guest list for a fabulous dinner they hosted last night at Wolfgang Puck's Source Restaurant (at the Newseum).

Guests at a NameMedia dinner last night at The Source in Washington, D.C.  
(clockwise starting at lower left): Ron & Diana Jackson (DNJournal.com), Bob Mountain (NameMedia), Jeff Bennett (NameMedia President), Andrew Allemann (DomainNameWire), 
Kirsten Frederick
(NameMedia), Larry Fischer (DirectNavigation.com), Leonard Holmes (ParkQuick.com) and, also representing NameMedia, Cortnee Gunn, Brian Carr
Kristen McCarthy
& David Zakur).

I also just got a photo from a pre-show dinner that the Castello Brothers (Michael and David) hosted Saturday night for some of the early arrivers (and local domainers) in Washington at the Central Michel Richard restaurant.

Guests at the Castello Brothers dinner Saturday night at Central Michel Richard in 
Washington, D.C.
(clockwise starting at lower left): Patrick Carleton (Associated Cities), 
Rick Waters (Webcast1), Phil Corwin (Internet Commerce Association), Andrew Allemann (DomainNameWire), Michael Mann (WashingtonVC), Brian Taff (BuyDomains co-founder), 
Ammar Kubba (Thought Convergence), David Castello and Michael Castello (CCIN.com) 
and Steve DelBianco (NetChoice).

 The Castellos were part of a great seminar session Monday on "Unique Opportunities to Increase Your Domain's Value." We'll have details on that in our upcoming show review article.

Today's closing day schedule includes a final seminar, "The Macro View of Domain Valuation", the big Aftermarket.com live domain auction that will run from 4-7pm (U.S. Eastern Time) and in the grand finale, TrafficZ.com and Parked.com will host the show closing party tonight at Club Josephine

Today's auction will include a nice group of donated domains that will be sold to help raise funds for the Internet Commerce Association. That list includes Castaway.com, ParkingShare.com, Deployed.com, Slices.org, LikeHer.net, SleepSafe.com, HolidayLoan.com, 

PlasticSurgeryWebsite.com and a name from conference organizer Thought Covergence that will be revealed during the sale. You can see the complete auction category here and you can also take part in the bidding online.

I'll have a wrap up post on Roundtable in this column tomorrow, including photos and highlights from the upcoming events today and tonight. That post will be up in the early evening as we will be traveling back to Florida in the morning and afternoon hours.   

(Posted June 16, 2009)

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