
Here's the The Lowdown
from DN Journal,
updated daily
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry.
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

hope all of my fellow Americans
enjoy a wonderful July 4th
holiday weekend. I know most of you will be
celebrating in one way or another through Sunday
but here is something that is very important
for you to do first thing Monday, if you
don't have an opportunity to do it before then.
In fact Monday will be you final opportunity
to do it. I'm talking about Monday (July 6)
being the deadline for you to help
yourself and everyone else in the industry
by posting a comment to ICANN opposing
recommendations made in the Implementation
Recommendation Team (IRT) Report.
a nutshell, if ICANN adopts the
recommendations made by the IRT
committee (that was stacked with
representatives of trademark interests)
you will lose the small amount of
protection you still have against
over-reaching trademark holders through
the current UDRP system. It would
be replaced by a new URS (Uniform
Rapid Suspension) system that would
make it far easier for someone who has
designs on your assets to put you out
of business.
Commerce Association Legal
Counsel Phil Corwin has written a
concise letter detailing what is
involved and what is at stake that you
can read
here. If you wish you can
take his commentary on the issues that
are of the greatest concern to you and
use those in your own post to ICANN. To
leave your comment just send it in an
email to this

address: [email protected]
(put whatever you wish in the Subject
line - something as simple as IRT
Comment will work). You will get an
e-mail back from ICANN asking you to
confirm your submission. Be sure to respond
to that email with your
confirmation, otherwise your comments
will not be posted for ICANN to take
into consideration. You can see
what others have already posted to ICANN
here. Some of the best
commentary on this issue has
consistently come from George Kirikos
as you can see in this
example. |
letter he also notes
that he is planning to attend an
ICANN "consultation"
meeting on their proposed new
global TLDs on Monday, July
13 in New York City
(similar meetings will be held in
three other cities around the
world over the next month and
those locations and dates are also
in Phil's letter). The new gTLD
program is the back door TM
interests are using to try to get
IRT recommendations inserted into
contracts for the original
extensions, .com, .net
and .org. Corwin is hopeful
that domainers and other
interested parties in the area
will also attend and asks you to
advise him if you will be there by
dropping him an mail at [email protected].
noted "We know that the
trademark community is actively
encouraging its members to attend
and speak out at these
consultations, so it is vitally
important that the domain
investment community, as well as
the many other constituencies and
organizations that have raised
strong concerns about the IRT
process and recommendations, be
in attendance as well. Freedom
is never free. Please take the
time this weekend to send

Legal Counsel Phil Corwin |
comment to ICANN, and please
consider attending one of the
upcoming global consultations –
because those who would diminish
registrant rights are already
planning to do so." |

Neu |
other note today - with help from
her son Ray, Barbara
Neu has posted hundreds of
cool photos from the last two T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
conferences on Photobucket.
They put you right in the middle
of the action at the T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
Silicon Valley show
(held in Santa Clara,
California in April) and the T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
ccTLDs conference that
was staged last month in Amsterdam.
you probably know, Barbara is the
wife of T.R.A.F.F.I.C. co-founder Howard
Neu. What you might
not know is that she has a
terrific photographic eye and
somehow seems to be everywhere at
once using her camera to document
conference festivities. I often
borrow shots from her to
supplement our own conference
coverage. Now you can see all of
the pictures that were left on the
"cutting room floor" so
to speak. |
Check out
Barbara's Amsterdam photos here: photobucket.com/TRAFFICccTLDs2009
and her Silicon Valley shots here: photobucket.com/santaclara2009.
For both galleries, you can click the Slide
Show link on the upper right of each
page then sit back and watch the good
times roll! Speaking of good times have
a great holiday weekend and we will
see you back here on Monday.
3, 2009) |
all current Lowdown posts - Go
We need your help to keep giving domainers The
Lowdown, so please email [email protected]
with any interesting information you might have. If possible,
include the source of your information so we can check it out (for
example a URL if you read it in a forum or on a site
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