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The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

Hypnotic New Album from Domainer's Daughter Lana Del Ray (AKA Lizzy Grant) Now Available on iTunes

In October I told you about the debut release (a 3-track EP called Kill Kill) from recording artist Lizzy Grant, the daughter of veteran domain investor Rob Grant who was the subject of 

our April 2008 Cover Story. Today, Lizzy's first full-length album Lana Del Ray (a moniker that also serves as her stage name) went up for sale on iTunes (just $9.99 for the 13-track album or 99 cents for any of the individual songs).

Knowing Lizzy's immense talent I downloaded the album as soon as it was released and am listening to it (for the second time) as I write this. I can tell you with 100% honesty that I love it

As some of you know, before I entered the domain business I had my own record store in Tampa, Florida for over 12 years (before that I had been a radio DJ for four years before moving on to TV). One of my favorite things during the years I had the music retail business was putting new albums on the store's sound system that I knew would make people stop and ask who is that!? If I still had the store today, I can guarantee you that putting Lizzy's new record on would stop people in their tracks. Her sound is that unique, hypnotic and appealing. 

Lizzy currently records for 5 Points Records and she makes frequent club appearances in New York City. When the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference was in New York in September, Lizzy popped in at the evening events to say hi to her many friends in the domain industry. 

She is a wonderful young woman who has the complete package needed to break through in the music business - a unique sound, songs with inescapable hooks, an engaging personality and a great look.

 A Huffington Post review said this about Lizzy: "Her music videos have such a wonderfully nostalgic, classic American feel - From American flags and classic cars in the video "Kill Kill" to Calico Hills, Las Vegas, sparklers, Planet Hollywood and 

images of her as a flower child and Marilyn (Monroe) in "Yayo" - Even the way the videos are shot is retro - at times you feel as if you're transported back to 1950s-1960s America." You can see Lizzy's outstanding videos for yourself on her MySpace page, where her profile has now been viewed almost 100,000 times.

After seeing one of Lizzy's live shows Radio Exile wrote: "Walking into the crowded rock-lined basement was like stepping onto the set of Mad Men. Lizzy's entire set made me feel as if I were in some smoky early '60's lounge; her voice is from a different era and her presence, naturally coy and shy, gives off this slightly plastic, slightly Warholian feel." 

In addition to her MySpace page you can follow Lizzy's career and listen to selected tracks on her personal website at LizzyGrant.com (getting her name in .com shows her father has taught her well!). 

The most played songs on her MySpace page (both of which are on the new album) are "Kill Kill" and "Yayo." Other personal favorites for me are "Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven)", 

"Raise Me Up (Mississippi South)" and "Smarty." They all have this infectious beat that I'll be subconsciously humming to myself for weeks to come.

If you like to try before you buy, you can download "Gramma" FREE today at Amazon.com. If you like it as much as I think you will, you can get the whole album there as well as on iTunes. 

(Posted Jan. 5, 2010)

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