Sumner said, “We’ve keyword
parsed and categorized the
entire historical data set. For
example, a user trying to find comps
for a gambling-related domain can
now search the Games >>
Gambling category rather than
searching by keyword for dozens of
related phrases, such as casino,
poker, blackjack, slots, bingo,
lottery, or jackpot.” The
sites's “pattern search,” which
allows users to quickly find domains
matching popular investment
categories such as LLL, NNN, and
CVCV, was also improved. Congrats to
Michael and Adam on their new
to the personal side of things where
major congratulations are
also in order for Elliot Silver
and his wife Karen on a new
addition to their family - and to Rick
Schwartz (the legendary domain
investor, T.R.A.F.F.I.C. co-founder
and now retired author of
and his new fiancée Jun!

& Karen (in the photo at top
left) have announced the arrival of
their second child - new son Oliver
Mark Silver who was born last
week, weighing 5 pounds, 10 ounces
when he made his entrance a bit
earlier than expected. Both
Oliver and Karen are doing well and
we're sure their daughter is going
to love having a baby brother!
Schwartz made his big announcement
to Facebook friends Monday when he
revealed he had proposed to
the lovely Jun on Friday (the day
before Valentine's Day) and she made
him a very happy man by saying yes!
The wedding date hasn't been set yet
but the joyous couple will have
plenty of time to mull that over on
an upcoming celebratory
is more than enough bad news to go
around in this world so we are
always delighted to hear such good
news on both the business and family
fronts for our industry friends and