
Here's the The Lowdown
from DN Journal,
updated daily
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry.
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

Hong Brokers Year's Biggest 3-Letter .Com Sale
to Date + Rob Grant Reports Boom for Real Estate
no secret
that sales of 3-letter and
other short .coms have been
booming and that trend continued
today when we learned that
broker George Hong of Guta.com
has closed the year's biggest
3-letter .com sale to date, moving PPP.com
for $290,000. Hong said the
buyer and seller both prefer to
remain anonymous but he provided
proof of the completed sale and
price paid.
we chart the PPP.com sale it
will rank as the 7th biggest sale of
any kind reported so
far this year (unless an
even bigger sale is reported before
our next weekly
domain sales report is
released. We will be away the next
two days for a family funeral so
this week's report, normally
released on Wednesday, won't be out until
.coms are not the only category in
the world's most popular extension
that is seeing a surge, despite (or
perhaps because of)
the release of hundreds of new
gTLDs. Veteran domain investor Rob
Grant of

who holds the world's largest
portfolio of .com city real estate
domains (NewYorkRealEstate.com, for
example) sent us note today to let
us know he had just sold JacksonHoleRealEstate.com
for $85,000.

WebMediaProperties.com |
told us, "I've seen a significant increase in the number of qualified and substantial offers coming in from brokers for the premium '.com' real estate domains -
this, paradoxically, as many of the new competing "real estate" extensions are just now being launched, most notably
.realtor, and to a lesser
extent .house, .home,
.realty, .mls, .estate, etc.
Over 23 new 'real estate' related
gTLDs are scheduled to launch (or have launched already).
As this growing clutter of new
gTLDs overwhelms the public and the real estate industry, there appears to be a growing identity crisis among agents and brokers... and especially consumers."
"Amid all this confusion - pure .com real estate domains (brands like
HiltonHeadRealEstate.com, SantaFeRealEstate.com,
and TorontoRealEstate.com) have continued to rise in value - selling in the high
five and six figure range. The reason is simple - brokers and agents (and most importantly the
public) instinctively recognize that these names are the most trusted and valuable brands." |
believes this is trend that is
going to gain momentum as
more new gTLDs are released,
predicting, "The day is not far off when a major brand like
HawaiiRealEstate.com, AtlantaRealEstate.com or
NewYorkRealEstate.com will sell in the
half million dollar range, or more.
I talk to hundreds of brokers and agents who inquire about real estate domains for their business.
There is also a great fear out there for the new 500 pound gorillas - called Trulia
and Zillow - who dominate the search results for real estate.
Brokers are scrambling to find new ways to rebrand themselves and
stand out in the search
results. If you own MiamiBeachRealEstate.com (a domain I've turned down offers for in the 6 figure range) vs.
Joe Schmo real estate, you win!",
Grant opined. |
April 21, 2015)
all current Lowdown posts - Go
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include the source of your information so we can check it out (for
example a URL if you read it in a forum or on a site
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