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February 25, 2016

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Here's the The Lowdown from DN Journal,
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to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry. 

The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

It Is a Lot Harder Than It Looks: Learn Before You Leap Into Domain Investing - New DNAcademy May Help 

Over the past 14 years I've seen a lot of people dive head first into the domain business without having any idea what they are doing - leading to them quickly running out of money and and making a beeline for the exit door. While buying and selling domains may look easy from the outside the truth is it is a very difficult craft to master

There is much more involved than a newcomer could ever imagine. I just wrote a foreword for an overseas  friend's upcoming book on domain investing that includes this line: "Don't be in a hurry to give your money away. There will be countless opportunities in this business tomorrow too, so educate yourself first...only then should you start investing in domains."

It is a process that can easily take a year or two to reach a reasonable level of competency and with the business constantly changing (including new gTLDs and new markets like China redefining what makes some domains valuable almost overnight) you can't afford to ever stop learning. 

Almost everyone in this business today learned the ropes on their own by reading every resource they could find, looking for opportunities to 

Education image from Bigstock

network with experienced investors and old fashioned (and often expensive) trial and error - learning from their mistakes and considering it part of the tuition fee.

DNAcademy Founder Michael Cyger

There's nothing wrong with continuing to do it yourself but some find the course too difficult to navigate on their own or, if they have the funds, would be happy to speed up the process by paying someone else to teach them - if they were qualified to do so. Industry veteran and DomainSherpa.com Founder Michael Cyger just launched what may be exactly what the latter group is looking for at DNAcademy.com. Cyger told me, "It's an accelerated learning course that I put together after collecting 5+ years of interviewing industry experts on DomainSherpa. I've been actively writing it for years

It "boils down" all the important aspects of domain name investing into one organized step-by-step course - without having to watch hundreds of hours of DomainSherpa content, make sense of it all, summarize the take-aways, and put it all in order. This is not a "get rich quick" course, but a fundamentals course to develop real investors who base decisions on data and process."

I spent some time poking around the DNAcademy site and was very impressed with what I saw - it is immediately obvious that a lot of thought and effort went into creating this treasure trove of text, graphics, video and interactive elements, including forums and groups that meet through 

video conferencing. When you log into the Course section you will find a huge menu along the right side of the page with dozens of articles under the various topic headings. For example when I looked (the list is continually being upated) there were six articles under Intro to Domain Names, seven under Keywords, 15 under Valuation Metrics, 11 under Valuation Tools - and on and on - on any topic you are likely to think of.

DNAcademy was attractive enough to convince Frank Schilling's Uniregistry to enroll several of their new employees to get them quickly up to speed. Some of Uniregistry's veteran team members are also contributing content for their own customized course. The site also got a nice endorsement from Australia's Financial Review today.

With respect to cost, DNAcademy offers two levels of service, each covering 12 months of access. The Basic level is $349 and the Pro level - that includes a private forum and Q&A webinars among its upgrades - is $499. Special pricing for teams is also available. The amount of useful, well organized and frequently updated information being offered at those prices looks very reasonable to me (it is on par with the cost of a ticket to a single domain conference). 

Of course, anyone can still take the DIY path - there are many great free resources on the web that allow you to do  that - but for those to whom time "time is money" I think DNAcademy will  prove to be a very welcome addition to the domain industry landscape.

(Posted February 25, 2016)  

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