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August 27, 2012

Domain Sales

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Deals.de Draws Six-Figure Sum in This Week's Top Reported Domain Sale 

Deals.de changed hands this week for €65,640 ($102,182) in the fifth largest ccTLD sale reported so far this year. The operators of Aha.de bought the German country code domain with plans to launch a price search engine/shopping platform on the domain. Deals.de was the top sale reported in any extension, nipping Blonde.com, a name that attracted $99,000 at Sedo's GreatDomains.com

We expanded our usual Top 20 chart to 30 positions this week to make room for another round of completed sales from last month's Moniker.com live auction at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East. Two of those hold down the third and fourth positions on the Big Board with Track.com sprinting to $92,500 and ComputerParts.com assembling $80,000


By Ron Jackson

This was a huge week for country code domains, with 13 ccTLDs making the all-extension leader board and six of them claiming spots among the first ten, including #6 Nepal.de at €38,000 ($59,153) and #7 CV.ca at $54,977. The former name sold at Sedo and the latter in a MyID.ca auction of premium .ca (Canadian country code) domains.  

Sedo has always dominated the country code category and the ccTLD breakout helped them pile up 13 chart entries, more than any other venue. MyID.ca secured five rungs on the ladder with high dollar .ca auction sales. 

France (.fr) and the United States (.us) also played a role in the ccTLD surge. A matching French set; Ideescadeau.fr ("gift idea" in French) and Ideescadeaux.fr ("gift ideas" in French) banked $27,242 each at Sedo to tie for 8th and Baseball.us (a great keyword match for the American country code) tied for 11th after booking $25,000 in a sale through Name.com

Here is how all of the top sellers stacked up for the week ending Sunday, June 22:


The DN Journal Top 30 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. June 16, 2008 - Sun. June 22, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect June 24


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Deals.de €65,640 = $102,182 Pvt Sale
2. Blonde.com $99,000 GreatDomains/Sedo
3. Track.com $92,500 Moniker/
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East
4. ComputerParts.com $80,000 Moniker/
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East
5. Alpari.com $65,000 Sedo
6. Nepal.de €38,000 = $59,153 Sedo
7.  CV.ca $54,977 MyID.ca
("gift ideas" in French)
€17,500 = $27,242 Sedo
("gift idea" in French)
€17,500 = $27,242 Sedo
10. Income.ca $26,242 MyID.ca
Closings.com $25,000 Moniker/
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East
Baseball.us $25,000 Name.com
13. NWN.com $22,500 Sedo
14. DigitalSignage.com $20,200 NameJet
15. ClassicCars.co.uk £10,100 = $19,897 Sedo

LabSupplies.com $18,000 Moniker/
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East
Jaho.com $18,000 AfternicDLS
18. Diploma.ca $17,999 MyID.ca
19. Brillen.com €10,600 = $16,499 Sedo
20. CarCenter.com $16,000 Moniker/
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East
21. Pharmacies.ca $15,663 MyID.ca
Austria-Trend.com €10,000 = $15,565 Sedo
9Sports.com €10,000 = $15,565 Sedo
24. AirplaneModels.com $15,200 NameJet
25. 553.com $14,242 Moniker/
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East
26. Jurist.de €8,600 = $13,388 Sedo
27. Dotmailer.com £6,000 = $11,819 Sedo
28. Planten.nl €7,500 = $11,676 Sedo
29. Eyeglasses.ca $11,410 MyID.ca
30. Liaise.com $10,700 AfternicDLS

Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were three more five-figure sales just off the chart. GreatDomains (a Sedo division) secured $10,600 for Tankini.com while The AfternicDLS sold L4P.com ($10,500) and CityJobs.net ($10,000).

.Com Supporting Cast

The .com supporting cast was led by Moniker's $9,500 sale of BathSupplies.com in their T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East live auction. In other completed sales from that event, Flossing.com and Hospitalization.com nursed $7,000 each while Rabid.com, ElectronicPestControl.com and Scraper.com scratched out $5,000 apiece. HybridForums.com plugged in $4,710, ExerciseClothing.com worked out at $4,500, GraphicsSoftware.com generated $2,500 and PeacockFeathers.com strutted to a $2,240 sale. Moniker also sold DQF.com from their online platform for $7,700.

Back at Sedo, WarStorm.com went for $9,450 and in a rare notable sale of a CentralNic sub-domain, Leasing.de.com landed $8,000. Geoloc.com located €4,900 ($7,628) while DecaffeinatedChocolate.com and AdvocateOnline.com clicked for $5,000 each. Immobilien-Videos.com viewed €2,650 ($4,125), Gusa.com grossed €2,100 ($3,269) and GastricSurgeon.com could not bypass $3,200

GGMag.com paged through $3,000, LoyaltyCards.com locked up $2,778 and OilResources.com pumped out $2,600. DreamList.com ticked off $2,500, SourceMatters.com  made $2,320 and SiteStudio.com recorded $2,300. Also at Sedo, Womo.com wound up at $2,250 and Zupp.com kicked in $2,050

At the AfternicDLS WorldProductCenter.com distributed $9,350, AllToo.com tallied $6,344 and FLRentals.com returned $5,500. MailIt.com received $5,350, FarmLink.com harvested $5,288 and four others; PlayClean.com, MuscleLink.com, iParents.com and Portent.com produced $5,000 apiece.

Sociologie.com sold for $4,800, VideoCoach.com commanded $4,300 and NewtonPlumbing.com unplugged $4,279. DigUp.com uncovered $4,200 and BookConnect.com cornered $4,088. The AfternicDLS had 86 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,000 that you can check out in the table below.

Additional AfternicDLS Sales Between $2,000 - $4,000
tarsi.com $4,000   trade365.com $2,500
itdev.com $4,000 thecandidates.com $2,500
onlinemusicguide.com $3,888 monsterit.com $2,500
motherless.com $3,850 modernmethods.com $2,500
recordrack.com $3,750 learningtech.com $2,500
jaspo.com $3,688 kidscard.com $2,500
infinitemoney.com $3,688 justadate.com $2,500
indieguide.com $3,688 healthypleasures.com $2,500
businessglobal.com $3,688 corelink.com $2,500
adcommerce.com $3,500 catchmag.com $2,500
gabron.com $3,388 sportsbuy.com $2,488
fuelsavings.com $3,388 safetyandsecurity.com $2,488
media-server.com $3,330 politicalscene.com $2,488
cash-ticket.com $3,330 pacificcruise.com $2,442
essentialsforlife.com $3,300 structuralgeology.com $2,388
dailymass.com $3,300 minicare.com $2,388
touch-it.com $3,288 lightingservices.com $2,388
goodif.com $3,288 industryeducation.com $2,388
sportsfoundation.com $3,200 sourcematters.com $2,320
gastricsurgeon.com $3,200 startupworld.com $2,300
franchiseconsultation.com $3,188 quicklog.com $2,300
keepfresh.com $3,088 ararebreed.com $2,300
upaj.com $3,000 muscletown.com $2,288
undercar.com $3,000 houseofstone.com $2,288
cgcs.com $3,000 buydoors.com $2,200
maritimebank.com $2,988 righttrade.com $2,188
iceuk.com $2,950 pushmower.com $2,188
newportmedical.com $2,888 mastersineducation.com $2,150
kvas.com $2,888 searchshot.com $2,088
conservationservices.com $2,888 floodtech.com $2,088
asiainvestors.com $2,888 contrarius.com $2,088
neoagency.com $2,880 sereti.com $2,057
franchisesconsulting.com $2,788 unitedentertainment.com $2,000
alerthome.com $2,788 tradetrends.com $2,000
productworld.com $2,750 tennisholidays.com $2,000
supportconnection.com $2,688 smartnetworking.com $2,000
agconnect.com $2,688 scubacharters.com $2,000
streamlineautomation.com $2,600 networkdiscovery.com $2,000
oilresources.com $2,600 kmlz.com $2,000
cronwell.com $2,600 insightmedical.com $2,000
newscash.com $2,588 giftsthatgive.com $2,000
bioomega.com $2,588 completecover.com $2,000
viplimousines.com $2,500 cascadesolutions.com $2,000

At NameJet.com Ziyafet.com fetched $9,088, IQD.com drew $7,612 and Caddyshack.com holed out at $6,750. Heykel.com hauled in $6,288, KodakEasyShare.com cleared $5,499 and Gluttony.com wolfed down $5,005. Marangoz.com captured $4,900, Complications.com plucked $3,988 and FactsAndFigures.com unfurled $3,600

Crazy88.com cracked $2,600, SCMC.com served up $2,501 and three others; MercyCare.com, MagicMenus.com and FantasyLine.com found $2,500 each. Enchantments.com cast a $2,322 spell while Zutopia.com, StudentLoanCenter.com and FurnitureSets.com seated $2,100 apiece. Also at NameJet, Petulant.com posted $2,010

At SnapNames.com Kayka.com collared $7,250, JeanPaul.com provided $3,656 and Yfreepaysite.com pulled $2,879. GameBall.com rebounded $2,800 and Tudoi.com drilled $2,263.

In a trio of private sales, DomainAmbition.com handled the $6,500 sale of BerryFresh.com, Extradius Inc. sold GlobalSportsForum.com for $2,500 and John Byth purchased EcoMagazine.com for $2,000.  

Global Contenders (.biz, .info, .mobi, .net & .org)

It was a slow week for the Global Contenders with just one five-figure sale in this category, CityJobs.net at $10,000 via the AfternicDLS. The closest competitors were far back with #2 JIEE.org at $5,300 and #3 Garden.info at $5,000

.Net was the dominant extension securing 10 of the 20 chart positions. .Org claimed 6 spots while .Info and .Biz had two entries each .Mobi was disconnected this time out. Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the week ending June 22:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. June 16, 2008 - Sun. June 22, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect  June 24


Sold For

Where Sold
1. CityJobs.net $10,000 AfternicDLS
2. JIEE.org $5,300 NameJet
3. Garden.info $5,000 Moniker/
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East
4. CleanEnergy.net $4,950 Pvt Sale
5. Ares.net $4,300 NameJet
6. LaptopComputers.org $4,250 AfternicDLS
7. Upswing.net $3,588 AfternicDLS
8. Paris.biz $3,533 NameJet
9. Norwegian.info €2,050 = $3,191 Moniker/
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. West
10. PokerBlogs.net $3,100 SnapNames

SearchSite.net $2,988 AfternicDLS
Scent.net $2,988 NameJet
13. SustainableEnergy.net $2,850 Pvt Sale
14.   Visits.org $2,600 NameJet
15.  DomainExchange.net $2,588 AfternicDLS
16.  JointPain.org $2,500 AfternicDLS
17. GoNeutral.org $2,420 AfternicDLS
18.  Ingilizce.org $2,350 SnapNames
19.  Telecom.biz $2,222 SnapNames
20.  RateIt.net $2,188 AfternicDLS

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were many additional four-figure sales just off the chart and the AfternicDLS again had the majority of those. Their list included Pininfarina.net and Safelite.net at $2,088 each and the AfternicDLS had 19 more four-figure GC sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,000. You can check those out in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS Global Contenders Sales Between $1,000-$2,000
onscene.net $2,000   upped.net $1,200
logista.net $2,000 vuka.net $1,151
funnyjokes.org $2,000 worldnews.info $1,088
californiaattorney.net $2,000 camere.net $1,050
petexpress.net $1,800 rossie.net $1,000
pris.net $1,750 nhfs.net $1,000
basementsystems.net $1,688 magicshop.net $1,000
protestantism.org $1,600 justitia.org $1,000
ghandour.net $1,388 bridal.biz $1,000
joesplace.org $1,300   

At Sedo, FreeCoupons.mobi redeemed $2,057, Trafo.info took in $2,016 and WOS.info unwrapped $1,946. Russland.org rounded up $1,804, Easo.org eked out $1,500 and WATrust.mobi managed $1,002

NameJet jettisoned RadioControl.net ($1,610) and WCP.net ($1,559). They also sold KSD.net ($1,500) and Texans.org ($1,009). SnapNames sold PartyRental.net ($1,154) and IEQ.net ($1,080)

In a private sale EcoTours.net notched $1,888 and in the Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East auction Trunks.net nailed $1,530.

Country Codes

This was a monster week for country code domains with one six-figure sale (the biggest in any extension) and a dozen more that reached the five-figure mark. As you saw earlier, Deals.de defeated all comers this week in a $102,182 private sale. 

We also told you about all of the five figure sales at the top of this article, so the best ccTLD sale you haven't seen yet is #14 ZZ.ca at $9,959. That was another one of the premium .ca (Canadian country code) domains auctioned off by MyID.ca. A half dozen .ca domains dot our new ccTLD Top 20 chart, more than any other extension. Germany's .de was next with five and the Netherlands .nl had four chart entries. 

Here is how all of the ccTLD top sellers stack up for the week ending June 22:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: June 16, 2008 - Sun. June 22, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. June 24


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Deals.de €65,640 = $102,182 Pvt Sale
2. Nepal.de €38,000 = $59,153 Sedo
3. CV.ca $54,977 MyID.ca
("gift ideas" in French)
€17,500 = $27,242 Sedo
("gift idea" in French)
€17,500 = $27,242 Sedo
6. Income.ca $26,242 MyID.ca
7. Baseball.us $25,000 Name.com
8. ClassicCars.co.uk £10,100 = $19,897 Sedo
9. Diploma.ca $17,999 MyID.ca
10. Pharmacies.ca $15,663 MyID.ca

11. Jurist.de €8,600 = $13,388 Sedo
12. Planten.nl €7,500 = $11,676 Sedo
13. Eyeglasses.ca $11,410 MyID.ca
14. ZZ.ca $9,959 MyID.ca
15. Landbouw.nl €5,600 = $8,718 Sedo
16. Bio.nl €4,200 = $6,539 Sedo
17. RSS.nl €3,500 = $5,449 Sedo
18. Spamschutz.de
("spam protection" in German)
€3,100 = $4,862 Sedo
When.es €3,000 = $4,670 Sedo
DeepLink.de €3,000 = $4,670 Sedo
Baccara.eu €3,000 = $4,670 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were 30 more four-figure ccTLD sales just off the chart and Sedo accounted for 16 of those including WiiFit.de ($2,880), Meinmuensterland.de and Meinmuenster.de at $2,491 each and  Devenirproprietaire.fr at $2,335. SAU.eu yielded $1,605 while five others; Wunschgewinn.de, Positiv.at, GPB.de, Falte.at and E-me.eu added $1,557 apiece.

TextLinks.ch led to $1,323 and Ron.in racked up $1,200 while Futterhandel.de and Kurierprofi.de delivered $1,168 each. Two others, CUL.us and Wikipedia.co.nz added $1,000 apiece. 

In still more sales from the MyID.ca auctions, STD.ca sold for $4,149, LoansCanada.ca for $3,112 and MontrealMortgages.ca for $2,624. AccountingJobs.ca tacked on $2,438, Enjoy.ca $1,817 and VancouverTravel.ca $1,816. Their roster also included WebTemplates.ca ($1,559), QuebecHomes.ca ($1,556), QuebecHome.ca ($1,574), FloorTiles.ca ($1,194), WhistlerTrips.ca ($1,037) and Pies.ca ($1,032)

Elsewhere, the AfternicDLS sold RentHouses.ws for $1,300 and Pool.com booked $1,059 with Brokers.us.

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to [email protected].

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of DotCom Group, LLC also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Tuesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Monday our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this report for Tuesday night publication to give you the freshest sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.


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