Our group on the Las Vegas Springs Preserve trip.
The Las Vegas skyline can be seen behind the Botanical Garden.

This train took us to Boomtown 1905 for a look at a very early
version of Las Vegas!

& below: After exploring the grounds we went inside the Nevada
State Museum where you are greeted by a giant Mastodon
as soon as you walk through the door. The museum houses
everything from prehistoric fossils to Las Vegas military
artifacts to showgirl history and beyond.

At the same time we
were at the Preserve and Museum, ICA members were involved in
other activities all over town. One of those has become a
permanent part of the Annual Meeting agenda - the Kubba Kup
Pickleball Tournament (below).

This year's Tournament
winner was Josh Reason (at far left below). Josh and the
next two top finishers, Andrew Allemann and Steven
Kennedy, received their trophies during the Opening Gala
that night where they were presented by Kup Founder Ammar
Kubba, seen here with his wife, Josephine.

Above & below:
Another one of the perennial favorites at the ICA Annual Meeting
is the Red Rock Canyon hike. The weather was beautiful
and the fabulous scenery always draws members who love the great

For those who love
golf - the ICA has them covered with a visit to Top Golf
(above). A lot of people love a good Scavenger Hunt
and that was an option as well. Among those who headed to Meow
Wolf for that were (below, left to right), Tess Diaz,
David Helgeson, Mark Daniel, Joe
Uddeme and Deepak Daftari.

Then there was a
chance to visit the Arte Museum Las Vegas - a unique
experience with 14 distinct exhibits that reinterpret elements
of nature through digital media art. Among the ICA
members there were Jeffrey Neuman, Jason Schaeffer
and ICA General Counsel Zak Muscovitch.
After a busy morning
and afternoon exploring Las Vegas, the Opening Night Gala,
hosted by GoDaddy, got underway at 7pm. Below, Godaddy
Vice President (Domain Investors) and ICA Board Member Paul
Nicks welcomed attendees.
The evening began with the
presentation of two major ICA Awards and a fond
remembrance of a beloved industry pioneer we lost just a
month after last year's Annual Meeting.

Above: This year the
ICA created a new Trailblazer Award to recognize and
celebrate companies and individuals that have significantly
advanced the domain name industry by creating an especially innovative
product or service with lasting influence on our business. Atom.com
Founder & CEO Darpan Munjal (seen here with ICA Executive
Director Kamila Sekiewicz) was the first to
receive that high honor for building what has become recognized
as the world's top business naming platform.

Above: Next, Kamila announced
the 2025 winner of the ICA's prestigious Lonnie Borck
Memorial Award, presented annually to an individual who has
made "extraordinary
contributions toward fostering a sense of community
within the domain name industry." This year's award
went to industry veteran Richard
Lau whose many accomplishments include founding the NamesCon
conference. Richard is also the Director of the Water
School, a life saving charitable organization that
he has tirelessly worked to raise funds for (the very reason he
established NamesCon to begin with).

Above: A special
ceremony followed, honoring a life well-lived in Remembering
Howard Neu. The pioneer was one of the world's first
domain attorneys and he co-founded the historic TRAFFIC
conference in 2004, as well as the ICA itself in 2006.
Howard, a close personal friend, passed away in February 2024
after a long battle with pancreatic cancer (I wrote a tribute
to his life and legacy soon after we lost him). With
Howard's wife Barbara (the Godmother of the domain
business) and son, veteran domain investor Ray Dillman Neu
(who are also dear friends), looking on, I shared some of my
favorite memories of Howard and also brought up Jeff Sass
and John Berryhill (seen with me above) to share their
memories of him. Jeff met Howard before a domain industry even
existed - Howard was the HOA President of the neighborhood
they both lived in!
As most of you know,
John Berryhill, along with Howard and Ari Goldberger will
be forever known as one of the Three Amigos, a name they
earned as pioneering domain attorneys in the earliest days of
the industry. Ari would have been with us to honor Howard too
were it not for the passing of his beloved mother on January 28
(while the ICA Meeting was underway). Ruth Goldberger was
97 and if you know Ari and the values he lives by, you know she
was a great mom too. Our condolences to Ari and his family - all
of your friends at ICA were thinking of you too.
A number of tears
fell while we talked about Howard but we are eternally
grateful for his friendship and will always be thankful for what
he did for our industry.
After the awards
ceremony and remembrance, dinner was served - then it was time
for the evening's entertainment.

Above: It began with a
performance by James, The Irish Hypnotist. Now, generally
speaking, putting an audience to sleep is not the target a a
performer is aiming for! However, if you are a hypnotist, it can
be pretty impressive to those watching from a safe distance!
Fortunately, these four volunteers were soon awakened - though
only so the James could make them do a variety of silly things
that kept the audience laughing!

Above & below:
Then it was time for the Main Event, a performance by Mentalist Alain
Nu, The Man Who Knows. What I would like to know is,
how does he do those things! Here, Alain gives audience member
Mike Gaffney a close up look at how he can make the prongs
on a fork go limp and flop around like noodles! Alain also went
out into the audience and stood on a chair so everyone could try
to figure out how he bends spoons with his mind and
performs other seeming impossibilities. I don't know about you,
but if I could do impossible things, I would make one-word
and 3-letter .com domains magically appear in my
account! That aside, Alain really is amazing.

Now - one more thing
about James, the Irish Hypnotist. I saw him hypnotize
some ICA members out in the hallway after his show. He told them
they had to get up before 7am the next morning and run
through the streets of Las Vegas in 35 degree temperatures! I
thought, well, that's not going to happen, but it did! Someone
even took a picture (below) to prove it. Clockwise from
lower left are Michael Cyger, Brian Harbin, Doron Vermaat, JT
Tenenbaum and Aaron Wilken. What I worry about now is
that the hypnotist has left town without breaking the spell.
These guys could be doomed to continue doing this every day from
now on!

well...it's on to a busy Closing Day, Tuesday, January 28, at
the 2025 ICA Annual Meeting.

This got started Tuesday
morning at 9am with events in both of the ICA's meeting
rooms. In one, above, the popular Broker's Breakfast
returned. In the other, below, the ICA conducted a Speed
Networking Event for the first time. With an hour allotted
to each, you could easily do both things if you wished.

Two my favorite
sessions of the entire meeting followed back to back with
everyone together in the main room to see them.

Above & below: At
10am the President of the ICA Board, Sedo's Jeremiah Johnston,
presented a detailed history of the ICA - including all
of the ups and the downs (with the latter consuming many years
before the tide turned) . Jeremiah has been on the board since
day 1 in 2006 and despite so many days when it looked like
the vision of the founders might never be realized, he
refused to give up the fight. Jeremiah knew it was critically
important for domain registrants to have a champion on
their side when it came to making policy that would determine
whether or nor they could build a viable business. Having served
on the board with Jeremiah in several of those early years, I
can tell you that one of my greatest pleasures today is seeing
his perseverance, and that of Nat Cohen and
a handful of other pioneers who kept the fire burning, finally
rewarded by seeing what has come from their efforts. They and a
great group of new leaders who stepped up and took on key
roles at a critical time combined to make today's ICA possible.

Above: Another key
figure in the emergence of the ICA as an invaluable institution
is General Counsel Zak Muscovitch who followed Jeremiah
on stage to provide members with a Policy Intelligence
Briefing. While Zak took on his current role in 2018, he has
been a domain attorney since 2003. No one knows the ropes
better and his experience and ability has been an enormous
asset to the ICA. It was amazing to hear what the ICA
accomplished on our behalf in 2024. That is a separate story in
itself. Suffice it to say that the ICA now has a seat at the
table and a powerful voice in determining the outcome of
issues that are important to all of our livelihoods.

Above and below: The
morning sessions continued with the ICA's Annual Town Hall
Meeting. The full Board of Directors was on
hand, including Nat Cohen, who I mentioned above. They
were there to answer any questions and listen to any suggestions
that ICA members had. The board members on the dais behind Nat
above are (left to right) Jay Chapman, Tessa Holcomb, Braden
Pollock, General Counsel Zak Muscovitch, Jeremiah
Johnston, Ryan McKegney, Adam Wagner and Paul Nicks.
This is a truly outstanding board. Their efforts, combined with
the work of Executive Director Kamila Sekiewicz and
Executive Assistant Tiffany Mark are the reason
the ICA finally gained traction and respect and why it is growing
at an extraordinary rate. Of course, if you are a member,
you should give yourself a big hand too, by becoming
a member or sponsor, you are providing the funds the
ICA needs to help you and your business thrive.

ICA members at the 2025 Annual Meeting Town Hall.
Member KW Boswell asks a question from the audience.

Attorney Jeffrey Neuman stands to provide some valuable input
into a topic being discussed.

Above: In the final morning
session, Atom.com Founder & CEO Darpan Munjal, fresh
off being awarded the ICA's first Trailblazer Award the
night before, was available for an Ask Me Anything
session. With Atom rolling out a lot of new features and
marketplaces (non .com domain holders will want to check out Sapphire
ASAP), Darpan had a lot of positive things to talk about.
After the lunch break,
attendees were treated to a half dozen Guru Tables
events. Starting a little after 2pm Tuesday (January 28), three
consecutive sessions were held in each of the two meeting rooms,
so members could go back and forth to catch any they were
interested in. The concept is simple. An expert on a specific
topic sits at a table and attendees can sit down and ask
questions or listen to any of the experts they choose. To show
you what happened we will run down all three sessions in one
room, then all three sessions in the other.

Above & below:
Starting with session 1 in the Primrose Room, Hilco Digital
Assets Managing Director Andrew
Miller, as he always does, drew a big crowd. His
topic was From Offer to Close: Strategies for High-Stakes
Domain Sales

In the same room as
Andrew, at the same time, two other tables were also running.
ICANN's Andree Hill was at one to talk about ICANN's
Mission and Dynadot Founder & CEO Todd Han
(at far right in the photo below) was at another to talk about Maximizing
Success in the Domain Aftermarket with Dynadot.

Above & below: Is
Session 2 in the Primrose Room, Turn Commerce Co-Founder Jeff
Reberry was there to cover the ins and outs of two of the
industry's top platforms - Name
Bright and Drop Catch.

Below: At the same time, Josh Reason was
fielding questions about Domain Investing.

Above: In Session 3, GoDaddy's
David Helgeson (top left) and Trip Briscoe (top
center) spoke to Supporting Success: GoDaddy’s Approach to
Empowering Domain Investors. I've gotten to know Trip over
the past couple of years and he has a great back story. He
started investing in domains when he was still in high school!
Given that, it probably won't surprise you to hear that Trip was
also the Valedictorian and President of his Class!
At the same time in
this room Rick Latona (GiantPanda.com) revealed The
First New Tier 1 Parking Feed in Over a Decade, Matt
Gould and Brady Anthony-Brumfield discussed Growth
@ Unstoppable Domains and John Berryhill got into Risky
Business - Outbound sales and broker liability. John also
had the last session of the day so we'll have more about him
Now let's reset the
clock to 2pm and go over to the second meeting room to run down
the Guru Tables there.

Above & below: In
session 1 in the Rose 12 room, Maria Cypher's table was
busy with people gathered around to hear her divulge Naming
Firm Secrets: What Domain Considerations Really Matter?
Maria (at right in the photo below) is Partner, Creative
Director at Catchword Branding.

At the same time in
this room three other tables featured additional topics. Renee
Fossen (FORUM) presented Focus on FORUM - domain name
dispute resolution. D3 Founder Fred
Hsu covered Unleashing the DomainFi Economy
by Bridging Web2 & Web3 and Grant
Polachek (Atom.com) provided advice on How to
accelerate you Brandable Domain Sales.

Above: In Session 2,
Rob Schutz (Snagged.com) talked about Decoding
Retail Domain Buyers: Personas and Strategies for Success. Rob
is seated behind the open laptop.
At the same time at
other tables, David Thorpe and Adam Wagner from Team
Internet covered Maximizing Revenue Through Domain
Parking: Insights from ParkingCrew and ICANN's Andee Hill
provided information on the Next Round of gTLDs.

Above & below: In
session 3, ICA Board Member Jay Chapman drew a crowd that
wanted to hear him talk about A Way with Words: cues taken
from domain inquiries.

Above & below:
Across the room from Jay, 2025 Lonnie Borck Memorial Award
Winner Richard
Lau was also kept busy with the topic Discuss and
Share: Tools and Tips used when tracking down domain name Owners.

Session 3 also feature
ICA Board Member Ryan McKegney (DomainAgents.com) on The
Pulse of the Domain Industry: Trends to watch in 2025 and Joe
Alagna (it.com Domains) answering the question Is There
Value to the Right of the Dot?

Above & below:
After the Gurus Tables, everyone got back together in one room
for a 4:15pm Ask Me Anything session featuring
GoDaddy's Alan Shiflett (at left above) and Paul Nicks. With
GoDaddy's position at the top of the aftermarket pyramid, just
about everyone in the room does or has done business with
GoDaddy so there was a lot of interest in how various issues are
being handled there and what to expect from the GoDaddy and
Afternic platforms in the year ahead,

Above: In the last
business session of the 2025 ICA Annual Meeting John
Berryhill presented an impromptu session on UDRP
The published agenda
indicated an Attorney's Conclave would also be happening
but when that didn't materialize I headed back to the room to
get ready for the closing night reception at Zasu in Resorts
World. To my surprise, as soon as I walked in the door at
Zasu, I saw all of the attorneys who informed me that the
Conclave had been moved to a more suitable location - the
Dawghouse Saloon! OK, that makes perfect sense! Since I
missed the opportunity to get a photo there I took one on the
spot at Zasu. Below, left to right, are Jeffrey Neuman, Mike
Rodenbaugh, Jason Schaeffer, Zak Muscovitch,
Daniel Koleshchuk (not an attorney but Daniel
works for Hilco Digital Assets, the co-host
of the Zasu event with Atom.com), Stevan Lieberman
and John Berryhill.

The crowd starts to gather for the Closing Reception at Zasu.
It's true what the say - the stars come out at night! Left to
right: Tessa Holcomb, Kamila Sekieiwcz and KW Boswell.

Above: The Bainbridge Island Brothers: Michael
Cyger & Andrew Allemann.
Below: Noelle Filippenko, Eric McKegney and Ant

Above: Grant Ploachek and Kina Merdinian

Above: The Closing
Reception put a perfect exclamation mark on an outstanding
ICA Annual Meeting - one in which the organization took
another giant leap forward. Atom.com and Hilco Digital
Assets sponsored the night at Zasu and I thanked Atom.com
Founder & CEO Darpan Munjal for the wonderful evening
on the way out.
As it always does, the
3-hour Closing Reception flew by in a heartbeat. If domain
people are known for one thing it is their reluctance to call
it a night. Fortunately, there was one order of business
left on the agenda - the annual Poker Tournament
organized by ICA Board Member Ryan McKegney. It didn't
start until the Reception was over so a lot people headed in
that direction to hang out, even if they weren't playing. You
could watch and cheer on favorites or chat with friends on the

We spent a few more
hours there but around 1am (4am for those of us who came from
the East Coast), I cried uncle and finally headed out.
Fortunately, Kina Merdinian stuck around for the final showdown
between Bar Franek (top center) and Sten Lillieström
(far right) and sent us this photo. Bar ended up winning the
final hand and this year's Tournament title.

While Bar won this
particular event, everyone who attended this year's
ICA Annual Meeting went home with a better chance to win
in 2025 thanks to what they learned and the relationships they
made or strengthened in Las Vegas. Hope to see you there in
2026! |