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June 09, 2013

Domain Sales

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Six-Figure Sale of Whiskey.com and More Than 40 Five-Figure Sales Add Up to a Good Week for the Domain Aftermarket

RickLatona.com closed the $185,000 sale of Whiskey.com (from their live auction at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. New York last month) to easily take the #1 position on this week's Top 20 Domain Sales chart. Year to date, Whiskey.com bellies up to the bar as one of the 35 biggest sales of 2009. Another highlight of the past seven days was the huge number of solid five-figure sales completed - 41 in all. That is nearly twice the number we see in that range in an average week.

The five-figure contingent was led by iAuction.com and Lafontaine.com at $50,000 each. Latona sold iAuction.com and Sedo rang up the Lafontaine.com sale. Sedo wound up having a hand in 10 of the 20 chart entries, more than any other venue. RickLatona.com was next with four and Pro Forma Inc. had three. NameJet, SnapNames and GoDaddy Auctions each had one and the AfternicDLS shared a spot with Sedo (as part of their expanded promotion program, AfternicDLS partners with other venues to put their listings in front of more buyers).


By Ron Jackson

.Coms swept 15 of the 20 chart entries this week with the remaining five places on the all extension leader board all going to ccTLDs, led by #4 A.de at $47,845 via Sedo. RickLatona.com's $45,000 sale of Porn.co.za (South African country code) was right behind, tied with Boy.com (also a Latona sale) for 5th place.

The non .com gTLDs were shut out this week, but there were three from that category (two .orgs and a .biz) among the 22 five-figure sales that did not make the Top 20 (Yellowstone.org, sold for $12,978 at NameJet, A.biz banked $10,099 at Sedo and Pew.org produced $10,000, also at Sedo). The country codes added seven more five-figure sales from that "Off Broadway" list just below the Big Board with .com adding 12 more in that range.

Here is how all of the leaders stack up for the week ending Sunday, Nov. 15:


The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Nov. 9, 2009 - Sun. Nov. 15, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Nov. 17, 2009


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Whiskey.com $185,000 RickLatona.com
iAuction.com $50,000 RickLatona.com
Lafontaine.com $50,000 Sedo
4. A.de €32,111 = $47,845 Sedo
Boy.com $45,000 RickLatona.com
Porn.co.za $45,000 RickLatona.com
7. ProteinBars.com $42,000 NameJet
8. PARP.com $38,000 ProForma
9. BuildingEnvelope.com $36,000 ProForma
10. OK.de €21,956 = $32,714 Sedo

11. Pratique.com €19,000 = $28,310 Sedo
12. Deputy.com $27,500 Sedo
13. OneOfAKind.com $26,000 SnapNames
Meeter.com $25,000 Sedo
TravelVietNam.com $25,000 ProForma
16. 18.de €16,500 = $24,585 Sedo
17. SLS.com $23,255 GoDaddy Auctions
18. FlyDrive.com $21,000 AfternicDLS/Sedo
19. UK.de €14,000 = $20,860 Sedo
20. Buy24.com $18,000 Sedo


Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

As I noted above, there were 22 more five-figure sale just off the board - more than enough to fill out a second Top 20 chart. In the six years we have been following the aftermarket, I don't recall ever having this many additional five-figure sales in a single week. SnapNames led the supplemental list with DudeRanch.com at $17,949 and Sedo had the most names in this group, 12 in all, led by HildegardVonBingen.de and RBSM.nl at $17,731 each. 

Sedo also scored with Grooves.com ($16,853), Cams.de ($15,794) and FM.de ($15,049). Manhandle.com added $15,000, DoneDeal.co.uk drew $14,901 and two others; NU.de and QParty.com kicked in $10,430 each. Rounding out Sedo's five figure roster was A.biz at $10,099 and a pair at $10,000 apiece; Pew.org and Wisdom.co.uk.

At the AfternicDLS, Substance.com brought $15,500, BoatingLicense.com reeled in $12,000 and VidaVacations.com docked at $11,000. Moniker closed the $14,500 sale of NewYorkers.com from their live auction at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. New York. That is a nice markup from what the same domain sold for just one year ago - $5,100 at GreatDomains. Yellowstone.org yielded $12,978 at NameJet while SlotsAndGames.com produced $10,000 for ProForma. RickLatona.com added another trio of five-figure sales with ChildPsychologists.com at $11,000 and two at $10,000 each; UTN.com and Schizophrenic.com.

.Com Supporting Cast

The AfternicDLS led the .com supporting cast of four-figure sales with PremierClub.com at $9,688. Apen.com pitched in $9,000, PerfectScore.com posted $7,900 and NMTC.com contributed $7,500. YouBuzz.com (listed by YummyNames.com) bagged $7,000, Powa.com pulled $6,000 and three others; Hanker.com, Inflections.com and Sauvignon.com savored $5,000 apiece. YourTrainer.com tackled $4,888 and DNAGame.com garnered $4,688.

The AfternicDLS had 73 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,500. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS .Com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,500
supplementing.com $4,500   branchburg.com $2,500
swimmingpoolservice.com $4,420 businesscents.com $2,500
outday.com $4,088 exchangeplus.com $2,500
xyzdesign.com $4,088 LEXICS .com $2,500
mediastation.com $4,000 maaya.com $2,500
rentplus.com $4,000 pedaltothemetal.com $2,500
mindpool.com $3,750 pizzamart.com $2,500
naturalcuriosity.com $3,688 search-results.com $2,500
foodvault.com $3,588 tournamentresults.com $2,500
loknet.com $3,588 autoposts.com $2,488
performancegateway.com $3,588 nexus2.com $2,488
santasgifts.com $3,470 drypowder.com $2,450
discovercenter.com $3,388 barsupport.com $2,388
zoomanagement.com $3,288 cancerlab.com $2,388
ctbt.com $3,250 fairyfactory.com $2,388
evegate.com $3,188 anrm .com $2,284
northstarweb.com $3,188 sfliving .com $2,250
premiereclub.com $3,188 toremember.com $2,200
body-tech.com $3,150 urltools.com $2,200
CameraFlashes .com $3,000 parentingwisdom.com $2,188
telehealthcare.com $3,000 themanufacturers.com $2,188
Mom360 .com $2,995 vantagehealthplan.com $2,188
londoninternational.com $2,988 guidingangel.com $2,088
takit.com $2,988 launchtime.com $2,088
teaemporium.com $2,988 spotmix.com $2,088
fablist.com $2,888 abconnect.com $2,000
juicyart.com $2,888 armsoflove.com $2,000
lasen.com $2,800 beachmall.com $2,000
yourbottomline.com $2,800 delawarecourt.com $2,000
earthmetals.com $2,788 enfamilia.com $2,000
enrollmentcenter.com $2,788 hostfast.com $2,000
koreawatch.com $2,788 officechairsonline.com $2,000
legendlimo.com $2,788 slingluff.com $2,000
allistanbul.com $2,588 sustainablecommerce.com $2,000
heartenergy.com $2,588 theintroduction.com $2,000
winningtickets.com $2,588 thethesis.com $2,000
systemlogistics.com $2,521  

The AfternicDLS used Sedo to sell seven more domains through their expanded promotion platform. Those included Sukar.com ($5,500), FacePaints.com ($4,000), VideoMob.com ($3,688) and Stand-In.com ($3,488). In addition, MattressesDirect.com returned $2,766, eToolKit.com carved out $2,100 and SportsDir.com clicked for $2,016.

At Sedo UJam.com dunked $9,500, Affiches.com fetched $8,300 and Eclairage.com cleared $8,188. Energieagentur.com corralled $6,854, SimpleCo.com sewed up $6,705 and Green-Power.com generated $5,500. Three others; DataVortex.com, DoxTV.com and NYCHotelNetwork.com went for $5,000 apiece while TJJ.com tacked on $4,999

Sedo had 25 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,500 that you can check out in the table below. 

Additional Sedo .Com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,500
chooza.com $4,500   m-b.com $3,400
isct.com $4,500 smileair.com $3,000
wscc.com $4,500 sorein.com $3,000
assurance-scooter.com $4,470 uhappy.com $3,000
kosmetikshop.com $4,470 plussizeunderwear.com $2,600
probiodrug.com $4,470 candex.com $2,500
resumewritingservice.com $4,100 canvasme.com $2,500
deathmaker.com $4,000 thestuffoflife.com $2,250
instantmeeting.com $4,000 cityofgreatfalls.com $2,200
f2i.com $3,800 silversaver.com $2,200
camp-sites.com $3,725 kshot.com $2,009
kostenlosesgirokonto.com $3,725 exaggerated.com $2,002
raystream.com $3,500  

At SnapNames OrganicChicken.com served up $9,420, OnlineWork.com wound up at $7,000 and two others; RestaurantLosAngeles.com and WatchCollection.com ticked off $5,890 each. SaintNicholas.com celebrated $5,830, SpiritualLife.com lit up $5,800, DriveCleaner.com closed at $5,050 and YCG.com cornered $5,010

SnapNames had 20 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,850 that are listed in the table below.

Additional SnapNames .Com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,850
utouch.com $4,850   motorcarinsurance.com $2,870
onlinestockbrokers.com $4,456 powersaw.com $2,800
istorage.com $4,443 autofest.com $2,578
fallinginlove.com $4,166 iwebmaster.com $2,450
nuisance.com $4,120 childcounseling.com $2,410
mitersaw.com $3,930 autoloanquote.com $2,285
discountsite.com $3,200 privatetutoring.com $2,250
plentyoffsh.com $3,100 colesmyer.com $2,200
investigates.com $3,011 baylife.com $2,147
londonrentalcar.com $2,950 mobilebrowser.com $2,000

At NameJet Buyside.com banked $9,088, Netflik.com notched $7,200 and Poker-Rooms.com dealt out $5,600.

NameJet had 17 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,500 that are listed in the table below.

Additional NameJet .Com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,500
visittnt.com $5,500   taobaoi.com $2,610
escortwomen.com $4,910 highschoolplanet.com $2,510
amateurpornvideos.com $4,600 airpay.com $2,400
amateurpornvideo.com $3,700 stradbrokeisland.com $2,302
kerberos.com $3,302 magiciansupplies.com $2,300
rentalnetwork.com $3,289 onsat.com $2,290
shopping-carts.com $3,100 9930.com $2,200
yifan.com $2,700 orangemobile.com $2,100
onde.com $2,651   

RickLatona.com sold Stimulant.com ($9,000), ChargingStations.com ($6,000) and DumbAsses.com ($3,500), along with FiletMignons.com at $2,500 and Collapsed.com at $2,000

Moniker finalized these sales from their T.R.A.F.F.I.C. New York auction: USTrademarks.com ($9,000), EuropeanVacation.com ($5,500), LendMoney.com ($3,500), SeattleRestaurant.com ($3,000) and WiseMen.com ($3,000). They also reported three sales from their everyday online platform; XXE.com at $6,175, TripNic.com at $3,125 and CloudCash.com at $2,000

Elsewhere, YummyNames.com sold WebClock.com for $4,000, GoDaddy Auctions moved Forexology.com ($3,000), MyHabits.com ($2,504) and Smartbreaker.com ($2,000) and IDNNewsletter.com sold вода.com ("water" in Cyrillic) for $2,000

 Afternic Domain Auctions

Country Codes

This was another superb week for the Country Codes as they rang up a dozen solid five-figure sales, led by A.de at $47,845 via Sedo. We listed all of those five-figure transactions in the all extension section at the top of this report. 

The biggest ccTLD sale you haven't seen yet is number #13 BirminghamNews.us at $9,000 through Sedo. That is a very impressive sale when you consider that many pure .us city domains have sold for much less than that (SanFrancisco.us at $6,000 and Honolulu.us at $4,000 being just a couple of examples).

Sedo wound up sweeping 19 of the 20 entries on our new weekly Country Code Top 20 sales chart. RickLatona.com broke the Sedo monopoly with their sale of #2 Porn.co.za at $45,000

Germany's .de dominated the chart with 11 entries, followed by Great Britain's .co.uk with four. Here is how all of the country code top sellers stacked up for the week ending Nov. 15:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Mon. Nov. 9, 2009 - Sun. Nov. 15, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. Nov. 17


Sold For

Where Sold
1. A.de €32,111 = $47,845 Sedo
2. Porn.co.za $45,000 RickLatona.com
3. OK.de €21,956 = $32,714 Sedo
4. 18.de €16,500 = $24,585 Sedo
5. UK.de €14,000 = $20,860 Sedo
Hildegardvonbingen.de €11,900 = $17,731 Sedo
RBSM.nl €11,900 = $17,731 Sedo
8. Cams.de €10,600 = $15,794 Sedo
9. FM.de €10,100 = $15,049 Sedo
10. DoneDeal.co.uk €10,001 = $14,901 Sedo

11. NU.de €7,000 = $10,430 Sedo
12. Wisdom.co.uk $10,000 Sedo
13. BirminghamNews.us $9,000 Sedo
RepriseMedia.be €5,950 = $8,866 Sedo
RepriseMedia.it €5,950 = $8,866 Sedo
16. Rucksacks.co.uk £5,000 = $8,400 Sedo
17. Cruise-Deals.co.uk £4,900 = $8,232 Sedo
18. UA.de €5,355 = $7,979 Sedo
19. CU.de €5,200 = $7,748 Sedo
20. PL.de €5,100 = $7,599 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were dozens of additional four-figure ccTLD sales off the chart and Sedo again accounted for the vast majority of those. Their roster included three names that went for $7,450 each; Gamble.cc, MyHobby.de and RO.de. Three more two-letter .de domain also scored well; OO.de ($6,854), WS.de ($6,854) and JJ.de ($6,771).

Sedo had 76 more ccTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $6,705 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $6,705
666666.de $6,705   peli.es $1,788
404.de $6,687 scalable.de $1,788
zonnepanelen.be $6,392 assor.de $1,750
888.at $5,413 carwrap.co.uk $1,680
bonuscommunity.de $5,141 cashbackoffer.co.uk $1,680
fly.co.za $5,000 cheaperbythedozen.co.uk $1,680
sonoro.de $4,470 vitatron.de $1,676
volarbarato.es $4,470 8d.de $1,565
motorbikeclaims.co.uk $4,200 ohz.de $1,565
jel.fr $4,172 protan.de $1,505
hyper.eu $3,859 aze.de $1,490
index.fr $3,725 brigittehachenburg.de $1,490
t3.de $3,725 modellsport.at $1,490
vh.de $3,725 wikianswers.de $1,490
financialnetworks.de $2,906 alessandro-international.de $1,475
kosmetikprodukte.de $2,771 naturgenuss.de $1,396
bir.de $2,533 2cut.de $1,341
v2.de $2,523 toprezepte.de $1,274
888casino.it $2,500 cutterbuck.us $1,270
cheshire.tv $2,500 2go.de $1,192
editions.in.in $2,500 designschule.de $1,192
frg.de $2,384 edelmetalle.eu $1,192
vulcanic.cn $2,265 karamba.fr $1,192
avinia.de $2,235 silvester-hamburg.de $1,192
izo.net $2,235 interroll.cn $1,122
wmshop.de $2,235 die-apotheken.at $1,118
bgvv.de $2,161 ecolan.eu $1,118
devisen24.de $2,161 masque-africain.fr $1,118
armbanduhren.eu $2,086 masques-africains.fr $1,118
cha.de $2,086 storyworld.de $1,118
hhbt.de $2,085 wirtschaftsgutachter.de $1,080
parrot.it $2,012 burkini.de $1,073
chemtax.cn $2,000 deinedaten.de $1,044
ner.us $1,950 fun4.de $1,043
moebel-haus.de $1,863 mode-schmuck.ch $1,043
mhra.co.uk $1,848 shui.ch $1,043
biosynth.it $1,788 getto.eu $1,000
f6.de $1,788 maitresse.cn $1,000

Elsewhere NameJet sold Rescue.me for $3,700 while Registrars.co.uk moved HospitalTV.co.uk ($2,344) and FightWear.co.uk ($1,008). NetFleet.com.au sold a trio of Australian ccTLDs; WirelessBroadband.com.au (US$1,860), YogaClasses.com.au (US$1,535) and FinanceStartup.com.au (US$1,023). Also, in a private sale, EMR.us changed hands for $1,350

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here.

Global Contenders (Non .com gTLDs: .biz, .info, .mobi, .net, .org, .pro & .tel)

The Global Contenders Top 20 Chart is led by trio of five-figure sales that we told you about at the top of this report. A name that missed that mark by just $1 is the biggest sale you haven't seen yet. That is #4 Portland.org, sold at Sedo for $9,999

Four of the top ten sales are one-character .biz domains that were recently auctioned off by Sedo. That group includes #2 A.biz ($10,099), #5 G.biz ($9,400), #7 S.biz ($8,211) and #8 6.biz ($8,100)

.Net still managed to take the most chart entries overall with nine, but that extension placed only one name in the top ten and that one, Bra.net, barely made it, taking the #10 spot at $7,400. .Org had a good outing taking three of the first four chart positions and five places overall.

Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the week ending Nov. 15:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Nov. 9, 2009 - Sun. Nov. 15, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Nov. 17


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Yellowstone.org $12,978 NameJet
2. A.biz $10,099 Sedo
3. Pew.org $10,000 Sedo
4. Portland.org $9,999 Sedo
5. G.biz $9,400 Sedo
6. CheapFlights.mobi $8,750 Sedo
7. S.biz $8,211 Sedo
8. 6.biz $8,100 Sedo
9. Organic.info $7,700 Moniker
10. Bra.net $7,400 Sedo

11. Jasmine.net $5,700 NameJet
12. Chug.net $5,400 AfterniicDLS
13. FuturesTrading.net $5,100 SnapNames
14. Helmets.net $4,999 SnapNames
15. WeightLoss.info $4,950 SnapNames
16. Einbaukueche.org €3,250 = $4,843 Sedo
17. FruitMachines.net $4,805 AfternicDLS
BankruptcyLawyers.org $4,500 Sedo
Otaku.net $4,500 AfternicDLS
eName.net $4,000 Sedo
Outrank.net $4,000 AfternicDLS

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were several dozen additional four-figure GC sales off the chart. Sedo had the highest of those with PSN.net at $3,948 and Echafaudage.org at $3,621. Other winners included Hundefutter.net ($3,427), Collected.info ($3,000) and Themes.info ($2,800)

Sedo had 19 more GC sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,533. Those are listed in the table below.

Additional Sedo GC Sales Between $1,000 - $2,533
turnschuhe.net $2,533   oiga.org $1,500
armbanduhren.org $2,310 paperblog.net $1,500
schlüsselanhänger.net $2,310 bliss.biz $1,490
sleepaids.org $2,000 reductil.org $1,490
diseases.net $1,995 victoriapark.org $1,341
hemorrhoid.org $1,950 bqq.net $1,200
internetanbieter.info $1,937 niedrigenergiehaus.mobi $1,192
ringworm.net $1,848 pfefferspray.info $1,192
flightalert.mobi $1,500 hanfsamen.net $1,118
iral.net $1,500  

At SnapNames, HI.biz brought $3,300, Drapes.net drew $3,000 and DDD.net nabbed $2,950. SnapNames had 15 more GC sales ranging from $1,050 to $2,500. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional SnapNames GC Sales Between $1,000 - $2,500
tx.biz $2,500     
awnings.org $2,360 dolls.info $1,180
solaranlage.net $2,110 jets.biz $1,180
poker-online.net $1,892 babydiapers.net $1,120
compute.org $1,770 rentals.biz $1,120
discountinsurance.net $1,500 tof.net $1,109
telemarketing.info $1,230 parite.net $1,070
kc.biz $1,202 lo.biz $1,050

Back at the AfternicDLS Hola.org hauled in $3,188, HotelSavoy.net booked $3,100 and Multivitamins.org added $3,000. Two others; Adao.org and Silverware.net forked over $2,500 apiece. 

The Afternic DLS had 28 more four-figure GC sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,388. You can check those out in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS GC Sales Between $1,000 - $2,388
garen.net $2,388   kolnet.net $1,388
hostingsupport.org $2,288 aroundtheworld.org $1,200
deko.net $2,000 freeshop.org $1,200
shoppingguide.net $2,000 propertyinvestor.net $1,200
fouraces.net $1,888 newrepublican.org $1,188
projectmanagementdegree.net $1,888 skiholidays .net $1,146
paediatrics.org $1,800 dbug.net $1,120
insurancerate.org $1,700 skilink.net $1,088
militarynews.org $1,700 codered.org $1,000
SanAntonioHomes .net $1,500 hummus.net $1,000
bala.org $1,488 kalifornien.net $1,000
openflow.org $1,400 renewableenergysources.net $1,000
accessnow.org $1,388 supplementing.net $1,000
alsol.net $1,388 supplementing.org $1,000

The AfternicDLS used Sedo to sell three more domains through their expanded promotion platform. Helme.net nailed $2,600, Eberts.net billed $1,416 and GetMoving.net delivered $1,116

Elsewhere, Moniker wrapped up two T.R.A.F.F.I.C. New York sales at $3,000 each; Brakes.net and Lord.org and also sold SRLC.org from their website for $2,099. NameJet sold 29.org for $2,655 and Lifelines2000.org for $2,020. RickLatona.com moved Minister.net ($2,500) and AntiDepressants.net ($2,000) and GoDaddy Auctions sold three; YUP.net ($1,996), OAMM.info ($1,234) and UpFile.info ($1,036)

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to [email protected].

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Tuesday night or Wednesday morning we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.

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