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The Lowdown

July 18, 2008 Post

Here's the The Lowdown from DNJournal.com! Updated daily to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry!

Compiled by Ron Jackson
(DN Journal Editor/Publisher)
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Bido.com has confirmed they will be one of the five companies presenting live domain auctions at the next T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference Sept. 23-26 in New York. On his blog at 

Conceptualist.com today, Bido co-founder Sahar Sarid wrote about what attendees can expect from his company's live auction saying, "None of us here at Bido has any idea as of yet what we will do. We will think it over the next week or two and come up with something, hopefully to exceed your expectations! Ideas? please let us know!" 

Bido currently runs a unique one name a day online auction so doing a live conference auction with multiple names will be new territory for them. Knowing Sahar and his teammates I'm sure they will come up with something that will make their turn at the auction block entertaining. With Moniker, Thought Convergence and Rick Latona.com previously named as live auction providers, only one spot remains officially open, though speculation has been that Sedo.com will fill the final slot. 

Bido Co-Founder Sahar Sarid

In other end of the week tidbits, friends with connections in Brazil have been telling me for some that that country is increasingly becoming a hotbed for domains. One impediment to growth has

been a .com.br registry restriction that limited use of the extension to corporations in Brazil. Now Juan Enrique Sánchez of registrar Domains Latin America (NameAction.com) tells me that restriction has been removed and any Brazilian citizen can register .com.br domains. The registry also lifted restrictions on .am.br, .fr.br and .tv.br that had limited their use to radio and TV stations. All good news for the domain business in Brazil.

Speaking of registries, the .pro registry is set 

to begin the relaunch of their extension Monday (July 21) when a pre-registration period that runs to August 31 will begin. Open public registration will resume Sept. 8. More details are available here

New York State's beautiful Adirondacks area appears to be turning into something of a "spiritual retreat" for domainers. Rob Grant (who was the subject of our April Cover Story) is based there and in recent weeks he has welcomed a number of prominent domainers to his Lake Placid home and treated them to a taste of the local lifestyle. The latest to make the trek north was DomainsForMedia.com and DNCartoons.com founder Eric Rice (the subject of DN Journal's February 2007 Cover Story) and his partner Clausen Ely. Grant soon had his visitors out on a local lake for some bass fishing but from the looks of the photo Rob sent me below, Eric and Clausen were eating light at the fish fry that night!

(Left to right): Clausen Ely, Rob Grant and Eric Rice in the Adirondacks

At first glance, Rob's catch (middle above) looked impressive by comparison but upon closer inspection the soft edges around Grant's image indicate that Photoshop may deserve more credit for that fish than he does! Another clue is that Rob's head in the picture is about half the size of Clausen and Eric's. I know Grant is a humble guy but, unless some lost tribe of Adirondack headshrinkers caught and released him recently, his noggin is not that tiny!

I hope you all have a wonderful relaxing weekend. I am going to be busy putting the finishing touches on our 2008 GeoDomain Expo review article that will be published before everyone is back at work Monday morning. We posted daily items from the show in our Lowdown column while it was underway last week in Chicago, but those were just an appetizer for the big wrap up article we're working on now.
(Posted July 1
8, 2008)

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We need your help to keep giving domainers The Lowdown, so please email [email protected] with any interesting information you might have. If possible, include the source of your information so we can check it out (for example a URL if you read it in a forum or on a site elsewhere). 

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