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Here's the The Lowdown from DN Journal,
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to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry. 

The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

GeoDomainers in the News: Scottsdale.com's Fred Mercaldo and Bruce Marler of the Missouri.me Network

When I head over to New Orleans next week for the 2010 GeoDomain Expo, one of the many people I will be looking foward to seeing again is Scottsdale.com Managing Partner

Fred Mercaldo
Managing Partner,
GeoDomain Development 
Ventures, LLC

Fred Mercaldo. Fred is an exceptionally bright businessman who is expanding well beyond the boundaries of operating a single geodomain website. In fact he recently  took on another role as Managing Partner of GeoDomain Development Ventures, LLC and in that capacity he just announced a major software development and marketing deal that will give him a hand in the further development of over 40 .com geodomain sites representing various cities.

Mercaldo said “Our proven software platform (www.CityInTheBox.com) will power the sites then, once they are launched, CitiesPlanet will perform all marketing and advertising functions, and will procure local partnerships and contracts that will monetize the sites. Our goal is to grow to 150 pure City.com properties under management within 24 months” 

Scottsdale based CitiesPlanet has worked with numerous 

creative technology and digital marketing specialists to develop a marketing platform that reaches out to local business in each City.com area. Combined with a proven CRM system, each business receives a custom media kit with their specific company featured, giving business owners numerous advertising and partnering options with their local, official City.com branded site.  

Mercaldo said “Our success rate so far has been 15% to 30% response rate, depending on which Directory category is being marketed, which is incredible. In addition, our system features a “nurture” campaign in the event a business has not responded to our first offer, and will automatically continue to send the opportunity to the business owner three additional times.”

The majority of the initial City.com sites Mercaldo's company is working with are owned by State Ventures, LLC. The president of that company, Nat Cohen, said "Fred Mercaldo has the vision to foresee the future of local Internet advertising and the marketing talent to accelerate the shift of local advertising to city portals. Fred is one of the stand-up guys in the Geo Domain industry.  We are very pleased to be partnering with him in helping him realize this vision for the industry."

Mercaldo said cities represented in his initial launch include "Everything from Kalamazoo.com to Burbank.com to Sausalito.com to GreatFalls.com; each City will have its own distinct characteristics and opportunities." 

Mercaldo recruited former Travelocity and RazorGator executive Mark Wilson to head 

Nat Cohen, President
State Ventures, LLC

CitiesPlanet. Mercaldo said, “Mark brings a successful track record of accomplishment to the table, combining both marketing expertise and technology capabilities, which is exactly what this project requires. The remaining City.com’s will begin launching the first week of May, and will continue to roll out through July until all 40 are established and successfully monetized. Our entire staff, led by Becky Kelley, has worked tirelessly this past 5 months to get all of these sites ready to go.  We are very pleased to be able to finally announce these partnerships, as it has been on the drawing board for quite some time. We are ready to go!

Bruce Marler
Missouri.me Network

I'm also looking forward to seeing Bruce Marler of the Missouri.me Network again at the GeoDomain Expo. Marler scored another coup for his rapidly growing business last week when he was chosen to broadcast technology and online marketing tips for a radio station group in Missouri. Marler had connected with the broadcast group when they asked his company to help increase their social media and search presence.

Marler said, "We will have two technology and online marketing tip spots daily along with two separate radio shows focused on the same subjects. This is all on different stations so we get a large market presence in a very key area of Missouri. We will have the ability to replay the shows too so I expect to have links to them on my blog as they play. For our company this is really a great thing."

(Posted April 22, 2010)

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