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August 27, 2012

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Here's the The Lowdown from DN Journal,
updated daily
to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry. 

The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

People and Events in the News: Sai Pola at InGurus.com, Playboy Mansion Illness Update, .CO's Juan Calle and Australian Blogger David Harry

I hope you all had a pleasant holiday weekend. After Diana and I went to an early church service Easter Sunday I spent rest of the day working on a new Cover Story that I am excited about releasing. I'm wrapping up work on that piece today (a profile of one of the most successful newcomers our industry has ever seen). That story will be published tomorrow. It has been busy around here the past week so I've had a few items pile up on my desk that I wanted to share with you as we head into a new week.

First, a thank you to industry veteran Sai Pola for the interview he did with me and published on his InGurus.com blog last Wednesday. Sai asked some fresh questions and I enjoyed having the opportunity to talk with him for his article. 

As our regular readers know, we have been closely following the story of the outbreak of illnesses that occurred after the DOMAINfest Global conference's closing night party at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles this past February. Public health officials are still investigating

Image: Sura Nualpradid / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

what caused over 100 people to become sick. Yesterday (Sunday, April 24, 2011), the Los Angeles Times published the latest update on what the investigation has uncovered. Their article also had a useful link to the entire 24-page presentation that one of the investigating doctors gave about the incident at a Center for Disease Control convention in Atlanta on April 15. This has turned into quite the medical mystery and it will be very interesting to see the what health officials conclude when they finally wrap up their investigation.

Elsewhere, congratulations go out to Juan Calle, CEO of the .CO Registry (.CO Internet S.A.S.), who was named the Technology Executive of the Year by the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce at the Chamber's 2011 Technology Leaders of the Year Awards dinners April 15th (the .CO Registry's marketing team is based in Miami).

The Technology Leaders of the Year Awards were instituted to "highlight individuals and organizations with extraordinary technological hands-on experience whose management of technology resources and/or technological innovatons have made outstanding contributions to their organization and the community."  

.CO's Lori Anne Wardi had some observations on why Juan has been so successful in an article she wrote about the award  that noted "Like all good leaders, Juan Diego Calle inspires followers. And when you think about it, following a leader is a purely voluntary act. It has nothing to do with positional power or authoritative command and control. After all, you can't command someone to give you their heart, or to engage their imagination on your behalf!" Amen to that Lori.

.CO Registry CEO Juan Calle receiving 
his Technology Executive of the Year 
from the Greater Miami Chamber 
of Commerce
  - April 15, 2011
(Photo courtesy of .CO)

David Harry

Finally today, we want to tip you off to a new domain industry blog being written by veteran Australian domain investor David Harry at DavidHarry.me. David has been a full-time domainer since 2004 (and I have had the pleasure of meeting him at several conference over the years). 

On the new blog he plans to explore various forms of domain monetization. A look at the section headers on his home page will give you an idea of the areas he will emphasize. Some that are likely to be especially popular include Affiliate Marketing, Expired Domains and Making Money.

In his most recent post (as of this writing) David explains exactly what he looks for in a domain name when mining the daily drop lists. David knows his stuff, so check out the site. There is a good change you will want to bookmark it for regular reference.

(Posted April 25, 2011) 

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