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October 01, 2013

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Here's the The Lowdown from DN Journal,
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to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry. 

The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

Igal Lichtman's Domain Monetization Legacy Lives on With ParkingCrew Picked to Serve TrafficMedia Clients

The domain industry lost a legendary figure this past February when Igal Lichtman lost a fierce battle with cancer (one of the few battles the gentle giant ever lost). The pioneering domain investor/developer amassed a sterling portfolio (including his favorite lovingly developed gemstone - Jerusalem.com) but he excelled in many other areas as well. Domain monetization is a field where Igal had an especially large impact - so much so that his innovative DomainSpa.com parking service was the subject of the first ever DNJournal.com Cover Story a decade ago. 

DomainSpa evolved into Lichtman's latest baby, TrafficMedia.com (a venture we profiled in our February 2012 Cover Story). With Igal's passing, the TrafficMedia team decided to look for some kindred spirits to serve the company's clients in a way that would carry Lichtman's ideals into the future. They have made their choice with the honor going to ParkingCrew.com (a company we profiled in a February 2013 Newsletter).

Igal Lichtman
TrafficMedia Founder 

Current TrafficMedia clients were the first to get the news which came to them in a joint letter from the TrafrficMedia and ParkingCrew teams. Here is the letter in its entirety (courtesy of a friend of Igal's (and ours) - Steven Kaziyev of NamePursuit.com):

Dear Steven:

As you know Igal, the vision behind Traffic Media/DomainParking.com, had passed earlier this year.

Igal was one of the first members of the domain community to recognize domain parking as an important income stream for domain owners. Many standard concepts behind today's domain parking platforms were pioneered by Igal more than 10 years ago.

We at Traffic Media were looking for a partner to support all of our customers, emphasizing the fact that Igal’s vision and way of service will be continued.

ParkingCrew.com was found to be a great match.

ParkingCrew will continue to follow his visionary path and continue to provide innovations to the domain parking world.

On September 17th, 2013, ParkingCrew.com acquired the TrafficMedia/DomainParking.com customer base. We are confident that this move will further improve revenues for our customers.
ParkingCrew is welcoming all active TrafficMedia/DomainParking.com customers with the following benefits:

  • Net15 payments (that's right, 45 days earlier than you were used to)

  • a 10% bonus on your September TrafficMedia/DomainParking.com earnings if you continue to monetize with us

Revenues previously generated with TrafficMedia/DomainParking.com will be paid out by TrafficMedia/DomainParking.com. Moving forward, all revenues generated with ParkingCrew.com will be paid out by ParkingCrew.

For you there is only one thing to do:

Please go to this page to claim access to your ParkingCrew account. Once this has been done, you will receive your login credentials for ParkingCrew.com and can continue to check your stats and manage your domains from within our interface.

With regards to your domains and landing pages, you don’t have to do anything. We have made sure they stay up and running and you are all set. Since some accounts had ownership conflicts, please log in to your account and make sure that all domains you currently control have been added to your account.

Should you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to get in contact with [email protected].

Your TrafficMedia and ParkingCrew teams.

(Posted October 1, 2013)

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